Over the weekend I and this might be a surprise but I was reading. Know it was not a regular boring book like Moby Dick. No. It was a graphic novel Called Bone. And I didn't read one book I read six of them. They where not in order thought. I read 1,2,3,5,6, and 7. It is so awesome I read the books before but they where all mashed up in one big book that had all of them in there. But there where no colors. Its is kind of about these three guys. There white creatures, with big noses, and black dots for eyes. They all just got ran out of there home town by there people. That was because of one of the guys. There's Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone. They are all cousins. Now Phoney Bone was the richest person in there town. But he was really greedy and mean. He got ran out of town because of a back business deal and he dragged his two other cousins with him. The three cousins got separated by a swarm of locus. Fone Bone fell off a cliff and climbed back up to find that his cousins where gone. After getting lost by a crazy bug named ted Fone Bone lived out in the wood for the first 2 months of winter. He makes friends with the forest animals. He does run into trouble when he runs into two rat creatures that try to kill him. He out runs then only to find a young girl named Thorn. Fone begins to have a crush on her. After talking he stays with her at her little farm. He does get reunited with Phoney Bone after he rides a cow and started getting chased by Thorn's grandmother Ben. Now Fone and Phoney have to work on grandma's Ben's farm to live in there barn. Phoney Bone having enough he goes to a near by town and fined Smiley Bone. After learning that he has to pay with eggs he works off his prize for drinking. After Fone, Thorn, and grandma Ben are chases out of there house by a rat creatures Fone and Thorn are saved by a Red dragon. This dragon was Fone Bones dragon. After traveling to a near by town Fone Bone is reunited with his cousin Smiley Bone. At the end of this first book Fone Bone runs to his cousin Phoney Bone and chokes him. I might tell you the rest of this but for now I'm Done.

Fone, Phoney, And Smiley