"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." Joseph Campbell.
Over all I think this means to me that "the cave I fear" is to me being afraid to talk to new people. When i'm around my friends i'm fine but when there are some new people I want to talk to I just can and in a way run away. "The treasure I seek" is to me the meaning of finding joy of making new friends. By talking to people and getting to know them I can tell if I want to be friends with them. That is the treasure I want in the cave. But the question is now am I brave enough to go in the cave or to afraid.
In this picture it shows that when some- In this picture it show 5 people. The kid in the center is the
one is trying to introduce me to new main character. And the rest are his friends. They always have
people I in a way runaway. Which is the his back. This is the treasurer i'm seeking because friends are
cave I fear. always there for you and have your back and never give up

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